MISC. FUN STUFF IN SLOVENIA-PHOTOS: documentary film festival

It’s so weird having so much free time, called retirement.  I’m able to pick things that interest me, whether it’s visiting museums, biking, or proposing new ideas for active tourism here in Skofja Loka.  When I was working, I was lucky to go to one movie during Film Festivals in Portland.  Ljubljana had a documentary film festival,   I picked 10 movies, 2 alternates  to see, Natasa could only find 2 (different ones).  Some things are frustrating. Continue reading “MISC. FUN STUFF IN SLOVENIA-PHOTOS: documentary film festival”


I like to write about being a tourist/traveler using a bicycle. But biking is illegal in Venice, regardless, it’s impossible to actually ride there. I visited Venice in 2013, but at that time I was pretty road weary after 4.5 months biking on the road.  I hid in my room, worked on the blog and enjoyed the air conditioning.  When I left I took the train, to Slovenia, and the rest is history.
It’s only a 2.5 hr drive to Venice from Ljubljana, we used GO-OPTI, by the time you pay gas and parking, it’s about the same and we didn’t have to drive! Continue reading “VENICE, ITALY-TOGETHER & ALONE”